Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day or Doomsday?

Since when did the day of love become the most dreaded holiday of the year? I can only imagine how hurt the tended-hearted little Cupid feels when he hears the groans and grumbles with the advent of his holiday. I would imagine it feels like a shot through the heart, but one could argue it’s just a taste of his own medicine.

Much like our nearly nude and winged friend, I am disappointed by all this fuss. Even without a significant other there are significantly better ways to spend the holiday than sitting in a dark room balling over a movie about two love-struck teens and eating a box of chocolates. (Notice I didn’t say an entire box of chocolates. We all know you eat about four and then throw away 15 half-eaten fruit flavored ones.) But how is Cupid supposed to strike you with love if the only one else in the room is your teddy bear or underfed goldfish? I don’t think Cupid is shrewd enough to take things that far.

For goodness sakes the day is a holiday! Hol·i·day: a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done. Get off your sad behind and get festive! Sure it’s a excuse for couples to relish in their own little twitterpated worlds, but Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be just for couples, it should be for anyone who wants to spread a little love, so get out there and spread some!

Before I start to sound like a hippie, here’s a list of some ideas to make your Valentine’s Day one worth remembering:

  • Get a group of friends together and make some valentines. Use the classics like crayons, construction paper, glue, glitter, pasta noodles, feathers, etc.
  • Go Heart Attack someone who could use some lovin’. Cut out as many paper hearts as you can before your hand falls off and then cover someone’s car or front door with them. Write notes on a few of them to show how much they mean to you.
  • Rain or shine, hurricane or volcano, there will be someone studying in the library. Bake some cookies or buy some candy and pass them out to those hard at work. Be the stranger that makes someone’s day.
  • Get some friends together and see who can write the sappiest love poems. Go Valentine caroling and recite them to friends.
  • Pull out the video camera and re-create a romance movie, or better yet, come up with your own.
  • Knock on the door of that special someone, grab their face, smack a kiss on their lips, and then run away before they know what hit them. If they come running that equals good. If they don't, hide in your apartment until your contract is up and then run away!
Also, let us all remember that love is spelled L-O-V-E and not L-U-S-T!

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