Friday, December 10, 2010

Public Display of Affection

Alright society, you've successfully got me confused.

Every year you spend $8.75 after $8.75 for tickets to romance movies. As soon as they're out on video you buy a copy for yourself, your sister, and one for your best friend's birthday. From there you curl up with a blanket, pjs, anything with over 500 calories, and you watch a chick flick for the 3rd time that month.

After the usual romantic story-line of the perfect first date, the complete misunderstanding that results in utter loathing, and finally the heartfelt apology where someone pleads for forgiveness, it happens. The kiss. You KNOW it's the best part of the whole movie!

Some of the best romantic kiss scenes ever:

The Proposal: In Sandra Bullock's office when Ryan Reynolds asks her to marry him.
Pride and Prejudice: The last scene in front of the know "Mrs. Darcy..."
Cast Away: When Kelly chases Chuck out in the rain to tell him she's still in love with him even after all those years. (Heartbreaker)
The Sound of Music: Liesel and Ralph's first kiss in that gazebo. Weeeeee!
The Notebook: Allie and Noah Kissing in the rain. Enough said.
And of course,
Sleeping Beauty: That magical kiss that brings the beautiful princess back to life!

Go ahead. Swoon if you haven't already. Swoon again. Swoon three times! You know it makes you so happy and so fluffy-unicorn-rainbow-cloud-fuzzy-lovey-pink-cherry-gumdroppy-floaty-bubble-good!

So tell me. WHY can the world not stand PDA? I can understand if it gets out of hand, but would it really kill you to smile next time you saw a couple kissing? You PAY to be entertained by others kissing in movies but grimace every time you see a couple kissing on campus for FREE. Honestly, what in the world is so different? The fact that they're not Leo and Kate Winslet? Please. Admit you're just jealous it's not you.

So when you see that lip-locked couple on the way to Physical Science, instead of thinking "get a room", why not think "oh my goodness that boy and that girl are so in love and I bet they're just floating on cloud 9 right now and who knows, maybe she's been a bridesmaid 27 times and has 27 ugly dresses but finally found the man of her dreams and he just told her he can't live without her and the wedding bells start playing...etc." Who's going to take time to find a room in that moment. Honestly, you never know what's going on between two people, so give 'em their time. Odds are other people are going to see you kiss your sweetheart some day.

I've heard one too many girls say they wish life was like a romantic movie without realizing there's romance everywhere they just roll their eyes every time they see it. Don't hold back world! If you've got love in you, don't be shy about it! Your lips were made for whistlin' and kissin' so get to work my friends! Who cares what anyone else thinks. They'll never know romance like you do.

So next time you see a couple kiss hold that gag reflex and instead think, "It's like Drew Barrymore kissing Michael Vartan for the first time on the baseball field in front of a couple hundred sighing people. Good for them. Way to bring some love into the wold."